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Image by Matt Hoffman



The Windmill accepts submissions from undergraduate honors students whose institutions are current members of the Great Plains Honors Council. Submissions must be the work of the students who authored/created the submissions, and those students must be members in good standing of the honors programs or honors colleges at the member institutions in which they are enrolled.

Submissions may include:

  • research and scholarly papers;

  • creative writing such as essays, short stories, and poetry; 

  • photos of art exhibits and other creative displays;

  • video recordings of musical and theatrical performances.

After carefully vetting of each submission, honors deans and directors must post the submissions here using the link provided.


The Windmill does not mandate a specific citation style, rather student authors should use the citation style that aligns with their academic disciplines such as the APA, MLA, or Chicago (Author-Date) citations styles.


While preferred formats include .doc or .docx, either .pdf or .rtf may be used as well.


Due to file size restrictions, please include direct links to performances. YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive may be used. Please ensure that privacy settings allow visitors to view the videos.


The submission deadline is May 1st. After a preliminary evaluation at ESU, submissions will be sent out for blind review to two or three GPHC reviewers. Information identifying the author/creator and their institution should be removed from the body of the work before submission to aid in the blind review process. The tentative publication date is November 1st.


Authors/creators of submissions accepted for publication will be invited to provide a 3rd person bio of no more than 200 words that will be included with the publication.


Refer questions to Theresa Mix or Sasha Joy

You will be taken to a Google Forms page.

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