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Joel Reyes

Lone Star College - Tomball

On Wednesday, February 14, 2018, Nikolas Cruz murdered seventeen individuals and injured seventeen others at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School using an automatic rifle. Traumatized by this event and angered by the notion that this situation could have been avoided, survivor Emma Gonzalez would recite a speech, titled “We Call B.S.,” at a Ft. Lauderdale anti-gun rally, only three days after the incident, to speak on the issue of United States gun violence...


Joseph Flores

Lone Star College - CyFair

Compiling historical studies of the Roman Empire’s concepts of family, sex, and social status, this work compares the greater society’s ideologies to Augustine’s retrospective narrative. By covering Augustine’s experiences with his abusive father, ascension in social status through Romanianus, conversion to Manichaeism, and strictly sexual relationship with his concubine, this essay engages with the social underpinnings of the Bishop’s articulation of the role of sex and Catholicism...


Alissa Boxleitner

Lone Star College - Montgomery

With an aim to understand the relationship between school dances and the sexualization of children, this research compares the “ideal selves” that present day American middle schoolers attempt to put forward at school dances versus the “actual selves” that they put forth. Erving Goffman’s work on the dramaturgical perspective and E. Tory Higgin’s self-discrepancy theory are utilized as tools to analyze middle schoolers expectations of dances in cringe comedies Pen15 and Big Mouth...


Maleeha Ahmad

Texas A&M University

PFAS are potential carcinogens that cannot be decomposed easily or metabolized. Thus, we attempted to create a sensor and extraction agent for these compounds. We utilized H-NMR, 19F-NMR, UV-Visible spectroscopy, and NMR titration studies to evidence the success of host production and binding between the synthesized porphyrin host and PFAS guests. This research presents an advancement for both environmental and human health...


Riley Mitchell

McLennan Community College

Through a day in the life plot structure, an array of literary, sonic, and production techniques, and utilizing the conscious and violent characteristics of hip-hop, Lamar illustrates the reality of the conflict between one’s faith and their profane environment and offers his Christian faith as the only solution to the conflict. As a genre, hip-hop has the unique ability to combine profane elements and highly influential storytelling to bring light to dark places and ease the tension between faith and the profane in all environments...

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MacGregor Thomas

Oral Roberts University

Studies have pointed towards the involvement of gut bacteria in human health for decades, but now scientists have begun to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of the symbiotic relationship that bacteria have with their hosts. Research shows that gut bacteria can influence an organism's neural and immune system development, behavior, mood, and even neurotransmitter concentrations...

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