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The Gut Brain Axis and the Apparent Links to Autism Spectrum Disorders

MacGregor Thomas

Oral Roberts University

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MacGregor Thomas is studying pre-med at Oral Roberts University.

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Figure 1: The diversity and spatiotemporal distribution of strains. a. phylogenic diversions c. Niche association from participants. Higher values signify greater phylogenic separation at body sites. f. reference genome set (Lloyd-Price et al. 2017)

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Figure 2: Distinguishing functions of the microbiome at various body sites (abundance is logscored) a. Total of 28 metabolic pathways shown in all 6 major body sites. Shown is a broad “supercore” pathway character of many bacteria b. 17 additional pathways specific to the human microbiota c. 21 pathways more pronounced at one body site that at others (Lloyd-Price et al. 2017)

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Figure 3: Bacterial contigs’ assembly size, maximum length, mean length, and gene count, relative to samples (Lloyd-Price et al. 2017)


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Figure 4: The three pathways that microbes can interact bidirectionally with the central nervous system (Sampson and Mazmanian 2015)

Mood and Behavior

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Figure 5: Top: BDNF levels in GF mice (black), compared to SPF mice (white). Bottom: Response to restraint stress (Sudo et al. 2004)

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Figure 6: Stress response after colonization with E.coli (EPEC), Bifidobacterium, or E. coli mutant strain (D Tir) (Sudo et al. 2004)

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Figure 7: Brain activity in response to emotional faces attention task. From left to right on scale;no intervention, control, and Fermented Milk Products Probiotic (Tillisch et al. 2013)


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Figure 8: Colonic levels of 5-HT for different mice (a), serum levels of 5-HT (b), quantification of 5-HT+ producing cells and EC cells (marked by CgA+) (c), and immunofluorescent staining of the colon for various mice and their various cell types of interest (Yano et al. 2015)

Microbiota and Immune Modulation

Epithelial Control in the Intestines

Immune Development and Function


Dysbiosis of Microflora

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Table 1: Abundance of various taxa in fecal microbiota at 3 and 12 months, in regards to various conditions (Azad et al. 2016)

The Serotonin Pathway

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Figure 9: Various metabolites affecting 5-HT release (left), and Tph1 expression measured by mRNA transcripts (right) (Yano et al. 2015)

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Figure 10: Neuronal firing (left), and % inhibition of firing in relation to 5-HT concentration (right) (Veenstra-VanderWeele et al. 2012)

GI Inflammation

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Figure 11: Comparing the cytokine profiles of children with ASD and GI symptoms (ASDGI), ASD without GI symptoms (ASDNoGI), and normal controls (TDNoGI) (D.R. Rose et al. 2018)

Microbial Therapies




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