Kimiya Noor
Emporia Sate University
This review analyzes and summarizes the most recent scientific research papers regarding the effects of epigenetics on Type 1 Diabetes pathogenesis and treatment. It explores possible causes and environmental factors that play crucial roles in the tragic disease through epigenetic markers, including DNA methylation, microRNAs, and histone modifications. By compiling the great number of new emerging studies in this specific field, the review attempts to establish a clear connection between environmental triggers, the epigenetic modifications that follow, and the clinical benefits (diagnosis, progression markers, inhibitors, etc.) of them in juvenile diabetes. Non-epigenetic studies of this disease have not yet provided sufficient explanation for the unknown etiology and cure of this unpreventable disease, however, epigenomics can provide a novel understanding of this disease. Limitations and agreements between papers in this rapidly growing field of study are also carefully analyzed to explain further research required and how it validates and supplements research outside of epigenetics regarding Type 1 diabetes.
The Windmill is currently accepting submissions for our inaugural issue! We are looking for research, art, and performances from student members of the Great Plains Honors Council.
To check out our guidelines or submit your work, visit our Submissions page.

Exciting new research from promising young minds in the Great Plains
Cade Sellers
Lone Star College
With an aim to determine whether a full account of consciousness is within the purview of our current scientific framework, this research investigates how the mind should be conceptualized within a substantively physical reality. The worldview put forth by Descartes— one of an unconscious, material reality including an immaterial, conscious mind— continues to shape our thought to this day but also raises the question of how exactly this immaterial mind relates...
MacKenzie Thomas
Oral Robert University
With cancer being the second deadliest killer in the world, trailing closely behind ischemic heart disease, it is no mystery why novel treatment options are sought after. It is estimated that by the year 2060, cancer will become the leading cause of death, further increasing the urgency to find new cures. While there are many different types of cancer, breast cancer is the second most prevalent and the deadliest malignancy...
Sarah Keeling
Angelo State University
Rebecca West, English author of “Indissoluble Matrimony”, was thoroughly a modernist. Modernism as a movement in England was an attempt to make sense of a world that felt alien to its inhabitants due to the cultural changes that had already occurred and the cultural shifts that were still rapidly developing (Greenblatt 1890). The formation of industry, advances in science, the reconstruction of gendered expectations and subsequent argument...

Exciting New Research from Promising Young Minds in the Great Plains region
The Windmill is brought to you by the Honors College at Emporia State University in partnership with the Great Plains Honors Council.
We aim to publish the winning work of the GPHC Boe Awards each fall along side independently submitted work from members of the GPHC.